Computational Social Science

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Computational Social Science

Semesters Taught

  • Spring 2019, Stanford University
  • Spring 2023, KIMEP University
  • Spring 2024, National Chengchi University


Link to syllabus

Course Description

From social media and online shopping to self-driving cars and ChatGPT, digital technology is ubiquitous in the social world. If the social sciences are to keep pace, then they must also embrace computational methods and the digital world. This course will survey text analysis, machine learning and social network analysis. We will use these tools to analyze a wide variety of digital sources such as online text, images and metadata. We will also learn how computational tools and digital data are changing the face of social science! This course has no prerequisites and no programming experience is required. The course will introduce you to code in several languages, but sample code and data will be provided. And as your instructor, I will walk you through each exercise, step-by-step. No fear! Let’s start coding!

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